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  • nigelduboisrobinso

Free To Rise Up

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause

of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” - Isaiah 1:17

Justice is important to God. Though our lived experience suggests otherwise at

times, God is very concerned about justice because it is a part of His character and

an attribute He desires to see in His children.

This verse gives us three specific actions that can be taken toward making justice a

reality, but we cannot overlook how these actions come after two specific commands.

Why would God tell us to “learn to do right?” The ends do not justify the means for

God; how we pursue justice is of equal importance to Him as us actually securing

justice for ourselves or others. In light of this, He gives direction on right thinking and

right actions through His Word and the Holy Spirit because He knows justice only

stands when it is secured the right way.

Then, the text states “seek justice.” Intentionality when pursuing justice is necessary

because justice is most often not secured quickly, and for the fact that no matter

how elusive, justice for all is worth our most persistent efforts. Justice should color

every page of our lives, so seeing it denied should not sit well with us and make us

ponder how we can combat the injustice observed.

Our nation and world are in need of people who do not want notoriety most when

combating injustice, but people who genuinely care that someone who bears the

image of God was not treated with the respect and compassion they deserve. The

oppressed, fatherless, widowed, and others in need will see great days when we

learn to rightly seek justice and commit to doing so for the glory of God.

Prayer Points

As you pray, think about the last time you saw an injustice take place. How did it

make you feel? Were you in a position to doing something about it? If so, did you act?

As you pray, ask God to show you how you can stand for justice in your own life each

and every day. If we all continuously string days together rightly seeking justice, we

will show the world how much God cares about justice for everyone.

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